NB-Fi modem BT-100
NB-Fi modem BT-100 is designed to connect to the pulse outputs of utility meters and telemetry interfaces of sensors and gauges, enabling devices and sensors to get online and transmit data via NB-Fi network.
One NB-Fi modem BT-100 with pulse interface has two pairs of dry contacts, so customers can connect up to two water meters to this modem (for example, water meters for cold and hot water in one apartment).
NB-Fi modem BT-100 can be used for various IoT applications – Smart Grids and utilities, environmental monitoring, monitoring and alarm systems, Oil and Gas industry, Smart Agriculture.
Sensors and gauges that are used in manufacturing processes, in agriculture, for tracking of assets etc., as well as traditional utility meters with pulse outputs and RS-232/RS-485 interfaces can be connected to NB-Fi modems that will log the data from these devices and send it to WAVIoT IoT Platform.
While deploying AMI systems using WAVIoT utility meters, the existing water meters or building-level water and gas meters that do not have to be replaced can be connected to WAVIoT MDM system via universal NB-Fi modem BT-100.
NB-Fi modem BT-100 with pulse inputs transmit data every hour. This period may be customized - custom firmware for various IoT/IIoT projects is available on request.
WAVIoT NB-Fi modem BT-100 can be widely implemented in various IoT and IIoT solutions requiring energy-efficient and long-distance data transmission with autonomous operation, easy installation and fast ROI.
WAVIoT offer customized IIoT projects, develop special-purposed NB-Fi modems and adapt the existing IoT solutions to individual requirements.
IoT Solutions
Wireless solutions by WAVIoT are based on the NB-Fi technology that supports secure bidirectional communication for the Internet of Things (IoT), machine-to-machine (M2M), Smart Grid, Smart Utilities, Smart City and industrial applications.
WAVIoT base stations and NB-Fi Transceivers with best-in-class receiver sensitivity enable the use of all advantages of the NB-Fi technology at the same time: long range of bidirectional data transmission, low power consumption and high scalability and stability of IoT networks.
NB-Fi base stations and devices allow fast deployment of IoT applications and provide the protection of confidentiality and integrity of transmitted data by strong encryption algorithms.
Contact us
If you are interested in NB-Fi technology, want to know about IoT solutions for your business or have any other questions about business opportunities and products – please contact us.